International Trans Fund

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Location: International

Focus: Grant-making and capacity building to strengthen the global trans movement


ITF is a trans activist and funder-led participatory grant-making fund, increasing the capacity of trans movements to self-organise and advocate for trans people’s rights. While the LGBTQI rights movement is severely under resourced, funding for trans organising is particularly limited. ITF addresses this gap, helping local and national trans groups access funding, while also providing capacity and technical support. It is well established and highly respected in the global trans movement. 

Trans rights are under attack across the globe, from an epidemic of violence against trans women of colour, sex workers and immigrants, to the rise of anti-gender ideology that is fuelling the backlash against hard-fought progress. Flexible funding to grassroots trans-led groups is urgently needed, more so given the additional challenges posed by COVID-19. 

In 2020, ITF funded 52 trans-led organisations in 41 countries. GiveOut’s 2020 grant was restricted to ITF’s grant-making in the Global South and East. Through ITF, GiveOut supported Grupo de Acción y Apoyo a Personas Trans. Founded in Colombia in 2008, they are a grassroots social organisation that defends, promotes and makes visible the rights and full citizenship of trans communities. In 2021, GiveOut’s grant will again support ITF’s grant-making efforts to support the trans movement in the Global South and East.


GiveOut  |  3rd Floor  |  Thomas Ford House  |  23-24 Smithfield Street London  |  EC1A 9LF

GiveOut is a charity registered with the Charity Commission for England and Wales (Registered Charity Number 1176434).