
Trans Fund GR banner.png

Location: Czech Republic

Focus: Trans rights in the Czech Republic


Trans*parent are the only group advocating for the rights of trans and gender non-conforming people in the Czech Republic. While there is a legal gender recognition procedure in place, the Czech Republic is one of the last European countries requiring surgical treatment and forced sterilisation before someone is allowed to legally change their gender. Same-sex unions are legal, but same-sex marriage is not (a bill to legalise it is currently under review), meaning that when a spouse is trans and seeks legal gender reassignment, couples must divorce. Trans people cannot have their preferred name on diplomas and academic certificates, access to hormone replacement therapy is out of reach due to cost, and there is poor mental health amongst the community.

Trans*parent are trying to change this discriminatory legislation, lobbying for self-determination and an end to forced sterilisation. They organise workshops for the media on how to use correct language and for companies on how to treat trans people better in the work place. They also lobby politicians to expand the legal rights of trans people.

Trans*parent are also active in countering the growing backlash from conservative and populist parties in Eastern and Central Europe, particularly in Hungary and Poland. In June 2020, for instance, they organised a demonstration in the Czech Republic in support of LGBTQI communities in Poland.  Their outreach grew exponentially that year.  They have since become a voice that can no longer be ignored in both the public and medical sphere, empowering both the community and individual trans and non-binary people in the Czech Republic. In 2021, GiveOut’s grant will support Trans*parent’s core costs as they continue advocating for trans and gender non-conforming communities in the Czech Republic.


GiveOut  |  3rd Floor  |  Thomas Ford House  |  23-24 Smithfield Street London  |  EC1A 9LF

GiveOut is a charity registered with the Charity Commission for England and Wales (Registered Charity Number 1176434).